© Libelante_twt

© Libelante_twt

TV Shows & More

Libelante's appearances on various TV shows, including music programs and diverse entertainment programs, are listed here. Due to YouTube's regional restrictions, some videos may not be accessible outside of South Korea.

Immortal songs

Libelante's Joint Performance with Military Band & Kim Ji Hoon's Performances with Military Band 
리베란테&국방부 중창단, 김지훈&국방부 중창단 무대모음 [불후의 명곡]
KBS | 2024. 10. 08

Libelante with Military Band - "One Fine Day in October" 
리베란테&국방부 중창단 (김지훈 상병) - 10월의 어느 멋진 날에 [불후의 명곡]
KBS | 2024. 10. 05

Kim Ji Hoon with Military Band - "My Love"
[페이스캠] 김지훈 상병 (Libelante) - My Love [불후의 명곡]
KBS | 2024. 10. 05

Kim Ji Hoon with Military Band - "Il Mondo" 
[페이스캠] 김지훈 상병 (Libelante) - Il Mondo [불후의 명곡]
KBS | 2024. 10. 05

Libelante – "Nelle tue mani" 
리베란테 - Nelle tue mani [불후의 명곡]
KBS | 2024. 10. 04

Libelante – "No One Else" 
리베란테 - 그런 사람 또 없습니다 [불후의 명곡]
KBS | 2024. 09. 28

Libelante – "Playing With Fire" 
리베란테 - 불장난 [불후의 명곡]
KBS | 2024. 08. 31

Jin Won & Son Tae Jin (Jin-Jin Brothers) – "Love Is the Flower of Life" 
손태진X진원 – 사랑은 생명의 꽃 [불후의 명곡]
KBS | 2024. 07. 07

Libelante's "Timeless" and the Standing Ovation of SG Wannabe 
SG워너비의 기립박수를 받은 '리베란테 - Timeless' [불후의 명곡]
KBS | 2024. 03. 10

Libelante – "Timeless"
리베란테 - Timeless [불후의 명곡2 전설을 노래하다/Immortal Songs 2]
KBS | 2024. 03. 09

Libelante – "Altrove e qui"
리베란테 - Altrove e qui [불후의 명곡2 전설을 노래하다/Immortal Songs 2]
KBS | 2024. 01. 20

Libelante – "Butterfly"
리베란테 - Butterfly [불후의 명곡2 전설을 노래하다/Immortal Songs 2]
KBS | 2024. 01. 20
Libelante – "On Your Way"
리베란테 - 너라는이야기 [불후의 명곡2 전설을 노래하다/Immortal Songs 2]
KBS | 2024. 01. 20
Oh Eun Chul & Roh Hyun Woo – "Don’t Worry"
오은철&노현우 - 걱정말아요 그대 [불후의 명곡2 전설을 노래하다/Immortal Songs 2]
KBS | 2023. 12. 02
Libelante – "If Only" (만약에)
리베란테 - 만약에 [불후의 명곡2 전설을 노래하다/Immortal Songs 2]
KBS | 2023. 10. 28

Open Concert

KBS | 2024. 09. 29
KBS | 2024. 09. 29
KBS | 2024. 04. 14
KBS | 2024. 04. 14
KBS | 2024. 04. 14
KBS | 2023. 12. 03
KBS | 2023. 12. 03
KBS | 2023. 12. 03
KBS | 2023. 09. 17
KBS | 2023. 09. 17

Begin Again

Jung Seung Won Focused Clip - "Perfect Symphony" 

정승원 포커스캠 'Perfect Symphony' | 비긴어게인 오픈마이크

JTBC | 2024. 01. 22

Jin Won Focused Clip - "Perfect Symphony"

진원 포커스캠 'Perfect Symphony' | 비긴어게인 오픈마이크

JTBC | 2024. 01. 22

Roh Hyun Woo Focused Clip - "10,000 Hours" 

노현우 포커스캠 '10,000 Hours' | 비긴어게인 오픈마이크

JTBC | 2024. 01. 22

Kim Ji Hoon Focused Clip - "10,000 Hours" 

김지훈 포커스캠 '10,000 Hours' | 비긴어게인 오픈마이크

JTBC | 2024. 01. 22

Compilation of Libelante Performances

자유로움 속에서 빛이 나는 리베란테 노래모음 |비긴어게인 오픈마이크 

JTBC | 2023. 11. 07
JTBC | 2023. 10. 25
JTBC | 2023. 10. 25

Libelante - "Fria como el viento"

하늘에 울려 퍼지는 리베란테의 절절한 하모니 'Fría como el viento'|비긴어게인 오픈마이크

JTBC | 2023. 10. 18

Kim Ji Hoon - "You Are So Beautiful" (from Musical Laundry)

뮤지컬의 한 장면이 눈앞에 펼쳐치다! 김지훈의 '참 예뻐요'|비긴어게인 오픈마이크

JTBC | 2023. 10. 11

Jin Won & Jung Seung Won – "Perfect Symphony"

크로스오버를 제대로 보여준 진원 X 정승원의 'Perfect Symphony'|비긴어게인 오픈마이크

JTBC | 2023. 10. 11

Libelante - "Rose Blossom"

완전히 새롭게 태어난 리베란테의 '건물 사이에 피어난 장미'|비긴어게인 오픈마이크

JTBC | 2023. 10. 04

Jung Seung Won – "I'm Not the Only One"

가을밤과 어울리는 정승원의 감미로운 무대 'I'm not the only one'|비긴어게인 오픈마이크

JTBC | 2023. 10. 04

Kim Ji Hoon & Roh Hyun Woo – "10,000 Hours"

김지훈 X 노현우의 첫 듀엣은 비긴어게인에서 '10,000 Hours'|비긴어게인 오픈마이크

JTBC | 2023. 09. 27

Libelante – "Shine"

네 사람이 부르는 따끈따끈한 신곡 리베란테의 'Shine'|비긴어게인 오픈마이크

JTBC | 2023. 09. 27

Music Shows

MBC | 2024. 11. 30
KBS | 2024. 11. 29
SBS | 2024. 11. 24
MBN | 2024. 09. 18
MBN | 2024. 09. 18
MBC | 2023. 11. 05
MBC | 2023. 11. 05
MBC | 2023. 11. 05
MBC | 2023. 10. 29
MBC | 2023. 10. 29
MBC | 2023. 08. 19
JTBC | 2023. 06. 17
JTBC | 2023. 06. 17


This is a one-hour live radio show featuring Libelante as the guest. Here are some of the highlight moments.

1:27 Libelante members' nicknames: Jin Won playfully introduces himself as a black cat, Jung Seung Won as an adorable Samoyed, and Roh Hyun Woo as the Lion King.
3:46 Who is the current leader now that Kim Ji Hoon is in the army? The members explain that, in a way, all four of them share leadership responsibilities. They speak fondly of Kim Ji Hoon, expressing how much they miss him and eagerly anticipate performing together as a quartet again.
21:00 What fan comments do they like best? Jin Won says he loves when fans compliment their voices and performances, as it lifts his spirits. Jung, on the other hand, jokingly picks "You are sexy" over "Your voice is charming" when prompted by DJ Kim.
22:28 What are their most memorable moments with fans? Roh recalls the opening of a concert, describing the unforgettable thrill of stepping onto the stage and seeing the excitement on fans' faces. Jung also highlights the opening and closing moments of a concert as particularly special.
25:10 What are their favorite carols or seasonal songs? The members share their favorite holiday tunes and even sing a snippet of each to spread some festive cheer.
27:08 Do they work out? Jung shares his workout journey, and DJ Kim teasingly compares him to the character Maui. Jin reveals he lost 8 kilograms after the Phantom Singer competition, prompting Jung to praise his flawless physique. Meanwhile, Roh is admired as a "natural bodybuilder" for his impressive muscles, despite working out less often than Jin and Jung.
33:08 Do they plan to include another dance routine in their upcoming concerts? The members reflect on their previous dance performances, admitting they found them challenging and a bit awkward. When asked about his dancing, Jin humorously confesses that his uncontrollable hip movements make him feel embarrassed.
2024. 11. 27
2024. 11. 27
2023. 07. 23
2023. 07. 23
2023. 07. 22
2023. 07. 19
2023. 07. 19
2023. 07. 12

2023. 07. 12
2023. 07. 11
2023. 07. 06
2023. 07. 06
2023. 07. 05
2023. 07. 03
2023. 07. 03
2023. 07. 03
2023. 06. 27

2023. 06. 27

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